Latest Episodes

Ep 8: From Naval Aviation to Pharma with Harriet Johnson
How does a woman in a male-dominated military field develop a leadership voice, and how does that translate to corporate work? You’ll learn more...

Ep 7: Lifelong Learning with Sam Howard
What does it mean to be a lifelong learner, and how can you do it? How does it benefit you? Today’s guest, Sam Howard,...

Ep 6: Growing as a Leader with Sue Marchant
What is the secret to dealing with people and establishing connections? How does this help when transitioning to a leadership role? Sue Marchant is...

Ep 5: Focus on Team First with Paul Garofolo
What are the pros and cons of the freedom of leading your own company? That’s one of the things that Paul Garafolo talks about...

Ep 4: Staying in Control with Tommi Papson
What makes a good corporate citizen, and what makes one less solid? Whose job is it to find out? Today’s guest will answer those...

Ep 3: Fighting for Your Seat in the Boat with Ryan Coughlin
Ryan Coughlin has significant experience working with different types of leaders. He spent 20 years in the US Marine Corps working with a variety...